Meet me in Philly

One of my pieces is taking a trip to Philadelphia. “Here Is No Place for Delicate Things” has been chosen for the group exhibition What Women Create at Prism Arts Philadelphia.

The show runs March 1 - 8 and showcases the work of a number of talented artists in a variety of media.

If you happen to be in Philadelphia’s art district this next week, stop by 1021 Hamilton Street to see some beautiful artwork in a unique venue.

All seats are taken

My February cold wax class is now full! If you would like to be the first to know about upcoming classes and other events, please sign up for my newsletter using the form below. I hope to see you at my next class!

Let's paint!

Join me in brightening the winter months one painting at a time in my February cold wax class.

In this class you’ll learn how to paint with cold wax and explore the limits of what you can do with this versatile medium. We’ll focus on basic tools and techniques for producing layered cold wax paintings, and practice trusting the process.

If you have worked with cold wax before, you’ll benefit from developing your practice and have the potential to focus on an advanced technique. (Email me to discuss your interests and how we can incorporate those into our work in the studio.)  

When: Feb 3, 10, 17, & 24, 10:00 am – 12:00 noon

Where: The Art Room at First United Methodist Church in Oneonta, 66 Chestnut Street.

Cost: $60 including materials

To enroll, call (607) 432-4102 or email

I hope to see you there!